NPEC is working to contribute to the marine environmental protection in the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea.

The Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center[NPEC]

To Promote the Preservation of Marine Environment Through Regional Cooperation
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Aiming to enjoy the services which the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea can provide and to secure healthy marine environment now and in the future, the Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center (NPEC) is working to contribute to the marine environmental protection in the region, including management of the coastal basins under coordination and cooperation with neighboring coastal countries and areas.

International cooperation

International Cooperation

Projects to promote environmental interaction
Projects to support measures for environmental protection

Environmental researches

Environmental Researches

Projects to support measures for environmental protection
Projects to promote environmental researches
Projects to promote NOWPAP activities

Publicity and Educational Activities

Publicity and Educational Activities

Educational programs for Northwest Pacific Region environmental protection
Intern and volunteer programs for international environmental cooperation